Gram 8600 Paddle

Gram 8600 Paddle


240 USD, outside Euro zone

Made from red and yellow Cedar. Edges in Siberian Larch and yellow Cedar. Edges in Siberian Larch


Paddle float - inflatable with dual chambers

Paddle float

Gram paddle bag – long

Dry bag 5 liter

Dry bag 12 liter

Dry bag 24 liter

Gram Paddle Oil

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Complete the look

  •  12

    Gram Paddle Oil


    Gram Paddle Oil

    Not for sale outside Euro zone

    From time to time the wooden paddle must have oil. When you see a dry area, or the paddle looks a bit dull, give it a thin layer of oil. In this way the Paddle is maintained and it is nice hold. The oil is made of pure cold pressed linseed oil. Thus it does not contain chemical residues from extration. The oil is added a little kanaubavox, for extra durability, and it gives a nice surface. 1/4 l./0.07 Gallon
  •  15 26

    Dry bag – 5, 8 12, 24 & 34 liter.

     15 26

    Dry bag – 5, 8 12, 24 & 34 liter.

    13-18 USD outside eurozone Drybag with roll top. Made from ultra strong nylon 260D. Incorporates a window. The material is slippery making it is easy to slide it down the hatches, and to move it around inside the kayak. The 12 and 24 liter versions incorporate a valve for easy compression while rolling. The diameters of 6 to 7,8" makes them fit down any round hatch on most kayaks.
     15 26
  •  60

    Paddle float – inflatable with dual chambers


    Paddle float – inflatable with dual chambers

    51 USD outside Euro zoneAnyone who has tried a paddle float rescue has experienced the float slides off the blade. This paddle float is made especially for greenland paddles, but it will fit most other types of paddles. The float is longer and narrower than most other inflatable versions on the market. It has dual air chambers, each with its own valve. Should the paddle float puncture, you have a spare chamber to provide sufficient buoyancy. The float comes with an extra long strap and an interlocking buckle. The strap is wrapped around the blade two times and and then tightened which secures the float firmly. The mechanism relies on friction, and will tighten its grip in proportion to the forces added upon it.
  • Greenland paddle bag

    Gram paddle bag – long


    Gram paddle bag – long

    40 USD, outside Euro zone

    Bag, padded for full length Greenland paddles. Holds 2 paddles. The bag protects your paddle agains bums, and your car seats against a wet paddle.

Additional information




Made from red and yellow Cedar. Edges in Siberian Larch


84 mm, 3,3"


215 cm (85 inch), 220 cm (86,6 inch), 224 cm (88 inch)